About Numerology
In ancient times, man always found something in the universe or in the environment to correlate with him. He applied this science to himself ensuring to get influenced by it. Numerology is one such esoteric science dealing with the effects of numbers on human beings. It helps in getting to know the positive and negative side to one’s personality, like his nature, his talents and abilities.
In the 6th century, the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras mixed up the study of human nature with numerical systems of Arabs, Druids and Egyptians. He founded a society for this philosophy in Italy.
In these modern times, theories set by Pythagoras are still being used but by numbering the English alphabets e.g. number 1 is allotted to alphabets A, J, S, number two allotted to alphabets B, K, T. All numerology numbers range from 1 to 9. Even double or treble numbers like 25, 341 are added up to reduce to numbers between 1-9 e.g. 25 will become 7 and 341 will become 8. People get categorized in numerology according to their birth dates. E.g. Number two people are those born on 2nd, 11th, and 20th because all these numbers individually add up to ‘2’ and so on.
An individual born at the borderline of two zodiac signs is said to be ‘on the cusp’ and their nature understood accordingly through numerology.
Number 1 denotes independence and unity. Such a person is usually alone and but not necessary lonely. He prefers not to intrude in other peoples’ personal matters.
Number 2 denotes receptiveness and wisdom. The person is able to distinguish between two qualities and entities, is of a balanced nature and good at keeping relationships.
Number 3 denotes creativity and has power, love and wisdom. He generally does not care much about details of any work. Of the basic principles of numerology, number 3 is the last because after this, all other numbers fall under the first three numbers. Each number inherits the characteristics of its predecessor and has the seed of its successors.
Number 4 stands for stability. It represents the four elements namely air earth, fire and water. It is the first non-prime number so has a tendency to have close relationship with others. The person under this number is very practical and a very disciplined person.
Number 5 denotes communication. This person is a gifted communicator and gives priority first to listening and then to speaking. Also he is very resourceful.
Number 6 stands for love. Therefore, such a person is of a balanced and harmonious nature.
The numbers 7-9 evolve from numbers 1-2 which passed a phase through 4-6.
Number 7 denotes the spirit, its triumph over matter. People under this number are quiet, thinkers, wise and philosophers.
Number 8 stands for law in terms of laws of universe and karma. It is said to be the evolved 2.
Finally, number 9 denotes mystery. Though interacting with other numbers, it does not change its identity. These people are compassionate, selfless but have inner strength.