Since Mars is regarded as a bold, fiery planet, a manglik is by nature quarrelsome and aggressive. This domineering and bold nature can spell disaster in the marital relationship.

Marriage and Mangal Dosha

When it comes to marriage, this special astrological combination brings about discord and tension. It is a deciding factor that has to be given a serious thought when you really think of getting married. The choice is yours, but it becomes a wise one when you check your horoscope for Mangal dosha. Perfect horoscope matching reduces the ill-effects of managl dosha and helps you find astrological remedies.

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  Mangal Dosha

India Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Mangal Dosha Calculator – Are You Manglik?? Find out

The Mangal dosha Calculator checks your horoscope and finds perfect solutions for you. Enter your birth-details in the form given below. Instantly the result page offers you the remedies and suggests ways to overcome the ill-effects.